The Why
(Originally posted: 09/19/2016)

I’d been meaning to go back through these old blog posts for a while. But every time I’d start, something else would come up. Sooo, why now? It started simply enough. I was having a conversation with one of my linesisters via FB email. We do this every so often. Anyway. We were talking about […]
The New(est) Job
(Originally posted: 10/10/2017)

Today was the first day of my new job. Technically new, because it’s a new title. However, it’s not a new company nor is it a new team. After being away for almost a year to the day when I walked in everything seemed small. Why am I back at the place that I left […]
(Originally posted: 12/01/2010)
You have a 13 year old daughter in 8th grade. She’s popular. Kids are always hanging around your house between the time she gets home from school and you get home from work. The kids never go in. You know this because your neighbors have told you as much.
My Brother–On A Date
(Originally posted: 09/14/2010)

So as not to blog in her comments section, (I don’t think she has a blog anymore.), I’d like to expound on the comment I made yesterday. Well, also being in the DC area, I read this not thinking that it’s a cost issue. There are SEVERAL great spots in the area that are the […]
Angela & Marcus
(Originally posted: 11/03/2009)

We all know what happened with Ross and Rachel, with Winnie and Kevin, and with Luke and Laura. But what happened with Angela and Marcus? Yesterday, Monnie (She changed her blog to That Gumbo Life.) wrote about how Angela handled their break-up well. She rolled out when she realized Marcus was still stuck on Robin’s […]